*Stop reading if you haven't seen the movie, or care that the movie is about to be ruined for you*

Lord Blackwood & Jesus
Of course, at the end of the movie we find out that Lord Blackwood is a farce and all of his "magical" accomplishments can be explained away with clever logical deduction and science.
Lord Blackwood uses his "magical powers" to gain followers (who admit that they have faith). He also uses fear of retribution (death) to ensure his followers' loyalty. His followers, as a token of loyalty, drink wine from a chalice. He uses his apparent power of resurrection to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is has supernatural powers.
Jesus uses his "magical powers" to gain followers (who admit that they have faith). He uses fear of retribution (hell) to ensure his followers' loyalty. His followers, as a token of loyalty, drink wine from a chalice. He uses his power of resurrection to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has supernatural powers.
Through the transitive property of fictional characters we can now establish a couple of things. Jesus is a farce and all of his "magical" accomplishments can be explained away with clever logical deduction and science. That is, according to the writers of Sherlock Holmes (I may have put a few words in their mouth).
In summary: epic win for Hollywood.